Reactions Mechanisms

Some Flash animations of reaction mechanisms (written by me):

Here are three possible mechanisms for the reaction:

CO(g)  +  NO2(g)  -->  CO2(g)  +  NO(g)

Each animation repeats in a loop.
Click the red box to pause the animation; click the green box to continue.
Refresh the page to start an animation from the beginning.

Single step mechanism

This animation illustrates what the mechanism would look like if it occured in a single step.

Two step mechanism #1

This animation illustrates a possible two step mechanism and shows how the two steps add up to give the overall reaction. It includes a catalyst which is used and then regenerated.

Two step mechanism #2

This animation illustrates another possible two step mechanism and asks what the two steps are.

Here are some web sites with animated reaction mechanisms:

Click here for a tutorial on reaction mechanism with small animations on the right of the page.